• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Files for interrogation of PM Maliki will be ready soon, says Iraqiya

Gulan Media June 26, 2012 News
Files for interrogation of PM Maliki will be ready soon, says Iraqiya
- Iraqiya List assured today on continuing its efforts to question Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in the Council of Representatives, indicating that the interrogation documents will be ready soon.
The Kurdish Blocs Coalition (KBC), Iraqiya, and the Sadrist Movement formed a legal committee made up of six members to prepare legal and constitutional files that Maliki will be interrogated according to.

Hadi al-Dhalmi, spokesperson for the National Accord Movement, said: "After the preparation of the files, the request will be submitted to the presidency of the Council of Representatives."

The political crisis escalated recently in the country after the recent calls for both the withdrawal of confidence from Maliki and the dismissal of parliament speaker Osama al-Nujaifi.