• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Kirkuk conference supports Maliki resignation

Gulan Media June 24, 2012 News
Kirkuk conference supports Maliki resignation
A conference consisting of numerous senior - Kurdish and Arab – officials from the city of Kirkuk and the Hawija district, was held today in Kirkuk to reaffirm their concurrence on current issues and accumulate support for replacing Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

“We - political officials, tribal leaders, senior civilians – have gathered here today to strengthen the bond between the different sectors and ethnicities within the Province of Kirkuk”, said Shex Yunis Ali Nsayf, Mwltaqa district’s head of council, representing the Arab Sheikhs and tribes of Kirkuk.

“We are present today to resolve the political crisis in Iraq in an approach that is in accordance with the wishes of the people of Iraq”, Shex Yunis added.
Shex Yunis later praised the roles of both Jalal Talabani, Iraqi President, and Massoud Barzani, KRG President, in resolving the political disagreements.

The urgency of a national meeting to solve the political strife in Iraq was also highlighted and encouraged.