• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Iraqiya MP to Islamic Council: Time for dialog elapsed

Gulan Media June 23, 2012 News
Iraqiya MP to Islamic Council: Time for dialog elapsed
The time for dialog is over and all the attention is now diverted to withdrawing confidence from Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's government, an MP said.
The remark by Hadi al-Dalemi, the spokesperson for Ayad Allawi's Iraqi National Accord Front (INAF), came in response to efforts by Ammar al-Hakim the leader of the of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI).

It is more than a month Hakim is trying to convince the parties in dispute to hold dialog instead of withdrawing confidence from Maliki.

The proposals by Hakim are the same proposals addressed by Iraqiya earlier "but then they did not reach receptive ears," Dalemi said.

INAF is a component of the Iraqiya List, which is also led by Allawi.

Dalemi added even in Erbil and Najaf meetings the leaders gave the chance for dialog but "Maliki and his State of Law Coalition (SLC) did not deal with the proposals positively."

Dalemi said "the time for this step [dialog] is over and the political blocs are now trying to take the step of interrogating [the PM]…. which is more serious and through which the differences can be settled."

Three leaders, Allawi, Sadr Current Leader Muqtada Sadr and Kurdistan's President Massoud Barzani met in Erbil on April 28 and demanded Maliki end his "unilateral" ruling.

When Maliki refused the allegations, the three leaders met two more times in Najaf and in Suli and demanded the National Alliance (NA) replace Maliki.

As NA stated it will hold onto Maliki, the MPs staged a signature campaign to oust Maliki.

Falling short of the legal number of signatures, the MPs are now trying to interrogate the PM inside the House of Representatives and withdraw confidence from his government.
