• Sunday, 28 July 2024

"Vague" political situation not in the interest of Kurds, warns Kurdish MP

The meetings and talks over the current crisis in Iraq do not allude to a clear destiny and this may cause damage to Kurds, an MP of the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition (KBC) warned.
The participants in Erbil and Najaf meetings did not give any specific details about the agreements they reached except some points declared in a joint statement, said Mahmoud Othman.

Othman said the described the situation "vague and doubtful…. while the parties to the dispute work against each other now."

Four leaders, namely Kurdistan's President Massoud Barzani, Iraqiya List Leader Ayad Allawi, Sadr Current Leader Muqtada al-Sadr and speaker of the House of Representatives, Osama al-Nujaifi have so far met three times to demand the National Alliance (NA) replace Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

They met first in Erbil and sent a letter to NA, asking Maliki to comply with the constitution and agreements and stop his "unilateral" ruling.

After Maliki rejected the allegations, the leaders met in Najaf and Suli and demanded the NA replace Maliki.

Now that the NA in response calls for negotiations, Iraqiya List MPs have began a signature campaign against Maliki and wait for the response of the Iraqi President Jalal Talabani to withdraw confidence from Maliki inside the House.

"The political process in Iraq is undergoing a dangerous and sensitive situation and most of the current meetings and negotiations are carries out off the record," Othman said.

The situation "arouses fears," KBC MP warned "there are many risks for Kurds for lack of any guarantees for resolving the issues in the phase after withdrawing confidence from PM Nouri al-Maliki."

Allegedly Iraqiya has obtained more than the legal number of signatures (164) against PM.

Reports are that Maliki has convinced more than 20 Iraqiya MPs to take back their signatures.

PM's State of Law Coalition (SLC) also claims the current efforts against Maliki have failed as President Talabani allegedly refuted an official demand by Nujaifi for withdrawing confidence from PM.
