• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Rare sight of astronomical phenomenon in Kurdistan Region sky

Rare sight of astronomical phenomenon in Kurdistan Region sky
On Thursday, June 7, a unique phenomenon took place in the sky of Amedi district which caused panic among residents of the area.
this phenomenon is due to two reasons, according to experts in the field of astronomy.

The Director of the Astronomers Association in Kurdistan Aso Hassan told PUKmedia, that the cause of this unique phenomenon is either the appearance of a comet at close distance or the fall of a satellite .

there is nothing to worry about , Hassan said , adding that the year 1997 witnessed a similar phenomenon to this one.

PUKmedia correspondent said that the phenomenon was seen in other parts of Kurdistan Region (such as Erbil, Sulaimaniya, Shaqlawa, Roandz, Sedikan).
