• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Political blocs failed in replacing Maliki, says MP

Political blocs failed in replacing Maliki, says MP
The Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has rejected the letter for withdrawing confidence from Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and it is also difficult for the House of Representatives to replace PM after impeachment an MP said.
There are serious efforts to replace Maliki who is described by major political leaders as a "dictator."

While there is a signature campaign to withdraw confidence from Maliki, the entire components of the largest parliamentary bloc, the National Alliance (NA), except its Sadr Current, hold on to the PM as the only candidate for the PM post.

The political parties "have failed" in obtaining the approval of President Talabani with regard to the letter for withdrawing confidence form the government," said MP Salman al-Mousawi of the State of Law Coalition (SLC), led by Maliki.

Mousawi continued the reason for rejecting the letter was that the president "was not convinced with the excuses and because he was not certain about a constitutional violation committed by Maliki."

He though the second option for the political parties is to report to the House of Representatives by collecting signatures for impeaching PM Maliki "under some conditions, most notably that the PM has committed a constitutional violation.

"But Maliki did not commit a constitutional violation …therefore; the impeachment option is very difficult, too."
