• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Riots in Rusafa and Baladiyat prisons

Riots in Rusafa and Baladiyat prisons
Riots broke out in Baladiyat and fourth Rusafa prisons in Baghdad today but no injuries were reported, said the Iraqi Justice Ministry.
Ministry spokesman Haidar al-Saadi said: "The riot by the prisoners came after a decision was taken to transfer them to Khadimiya prison. The security services were able to control the situation."

Security sources also mentioned the outbreak of fire in Rusafa prison.

Some 35 prisoners accused of "terrorism" were able to escape last September from Tasfirat prison in Faisaliya area, east of Mosul.

On April of last year, 23 prisoners escaped from Ghazlani prison south of Mosul.

In Basra 12 detainees from Qaeda were able to escape in January 2010 from the headquarter of the joint intelligence cell associated with the office of the commander in chief of the armed forces in Baghdad, which is located within the presidential palaces compound in the Baradiya area near Basra city center.

The Iraqi Justice Ministry announced on May 20 last year about the disappearance of a number of prisoners while they were transferred from Taji prison to another prison in the Karkh district of Baghdad. The ministry decided to exempt the prison administration from its tasks and referred it to an investigative committee to reveal the circumstances of the incident.
