• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Doubting MPs' withdrawal of confidence signatures is worthless, says Iraqiya

Doubting MPs' withdrawal of confidence signatures is worthless, says Iraqiya
Iraqiya List adviser Hani Ashour said today that doubting some of the MPs' signatures collected to withdraw confidence from PM Nouri al-Maliki is worthless.
Ashour added that collecting the signatures was to inform President Jalal Talabani about the MPs' desire to withdraw confidence.

Ashour said in a statement: "The phase of collecting signatures ended and the current phase lies in the invitation for holding a parliamentary session to vote for the withdrawal of confidence.

"The president is convinced about the desire of the MPs and he has the right to demand withdrawing confidence without any signatures. This is one of the constitutional mechanisms while another mechanism lies in the request of one fifth of the MPs in the Council of Representatives to withdraw confidence from the PM. The president is convinced without resorting to the second mechanism.

"Iraqiya List will not object if the State of Law Coalition (SLC) wanted to disband the Council of Representatives through a constitutional mechanism if it can do that, as some of its MPs say, because Iraqiya List along with the Sadrists and the Kurdish Blocs Coalition (KBC) believe in adopting democracy to achieve changes and this right is guaranteed by the constitution.

"The campaigns to divert attention from the withdrawal of confidence by raising secondary issues or the issuance of covered threats against the constitutional and democratic mechanisms exacerbates the crisis and strengthens the conviction that there is no genuine desire to resolve the differences and recognize past agreements. This is the reason behind the current crisis."

The KBC, Iraqiya List, and the Sadrist Movement collected signatures to withdraw confidence from Maliki's government as part of the second Erbil paper, which referred to the withdrawal of confidence from the government if the terms of the paper were not implemented.

The National Alliance (NA) stresses the need to hold the national conference called for by President Jalal Talabani. The NA includes the State of Law Coalition, the Fadila Party, the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI), the Badr Organization and the Iraqi National Congress.
