• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Bill for children rights drafted in Kurdistan Parliament

Bill for children rights drafted in Kurdistan Parliament
On the coming of 1st June, Asos Najib KRG minister of social affairs congratulates on 31 May the Kurdish children on International Children’s Day, saying her ministry has new project for them this year.

The ministry of social affairs of Kurdistan Regional Government has drafted a bill for protecting Kurdish children’s rights – such a law concerning children’s rights did not existed in Kurdistan.

Najib sent in a press conference on Thursday a message to all the Kurdish children, saying this year is different from past as with the coming of Children’s Day they have prepared a bill aimed for observing and protecting the basic rights for children living in Kurdistan.

“The bill is drafted by a special team supervised by Ministry of Works and with the assistance of UNISEF,” she added.

International Day for Protection of Children, observed in many countries as Children's Day on June 1 since 1950, is said to have been established by the Women's International Democratic Federation on its November 1949 congress in Paris.