• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Kurdish MPs support Talabani and Barzani's decision over Iraqi crisis, says spokesperson

Kurdish MPs support Talabani and Barzani's decision over Iraqi crisis, says spokesperson
Kurdistan Blocs Coalition (KBC) MPs support any decision Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Kurdistan's President Massoud Barzani will take with regard to the current political crisis in the country.
MPs of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) in the KBC are united and "all will comply with any instruction or decision that Talabani and Barzani may take," said KBC Spokesperson Muayyad Tayyib.

There are MPs from the Kurdistan Islamic Union (KIU)and Kurdistan Islamic Group (KIG) in the KBC.

Tayyib added procedures as withdrawing confidence from government or disbanding the House of Representatives or resorting to early elections " are all democratic and constitutional practices common in all the democratic systems.

"One should not provoke the Iraqi public by saying that these procedures will lead to chaos or civil war."

There is a strong tendency towards replacing Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki who is described by major leaders as Barzani, Sadr Current Leader Muqtada Sadr and Iraqiya List Leader Ayad Allawi as a "dictator."

Some components inside the Shiite super bloc, National Alliance (NA), as Maliki's State of Law Coalition (SLC) accuse the alliance against Maliki of "serving the foreign agendas."

"These are void and baseless accusations because the current crisis is the result of the disputes which were not found successful solutions satisfactory to all sides," Tayyib said.

KBC spokesperson called on all the political parties to "accept the results of the constitutional procedures…. and to avoid provoking the fear of the Iraqis … with illogical threats."

So far some options have been proposed to end the edgy political state in Iraq; either the NA should replace Maliki without resorting to constitutional procedures, or Iraqiya will submit the 164 votes for withdrawing confidence from Maliki to Talabani , or Maliki should resign himself so that he is not prosecuted for his conduct in the past six years, or a public referendum should be carried out over the confidence withdrawing issue.
