• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Iraq ready to supply Brazil with crude oil, says Shahristani

Iraq ready to supply Brazil with crude oil, says Shahristani
- Iraq is ready to supply crude oil to Brazil after an increase in oil production during the past few months, said Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussein al-Shahristani in a statement.
Shahristani met with the envoy of the Brazilian government and its representative in the Middle East Milantonio Cesario, as well as the Brazilian ambassador to Iraq Anwar Nuhas.

Both sides talked about ways to improve political and economic relations between the two countries, especially in the energy sector.

Cesario expressed the desire of Brazilian companies to work in Iraq in all fields to enhance the cooperation between the two countries.

Iraq's oil exports increased to 2.5 million barrels per day in April from 2.3 million in March.
