• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Iraqiya ready to persuade Hashemi to appear in court if Erbil agreement executed

Iraqiya ready to persuade Hashemi to appear in court if Erbil agreement executed
Iraqiya List said that it will persuade Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi to appear in court if all of the agreements on the sharing of power between the political forces in the country are implemented.

Iraqiya spokesman Haider Mulla said in statement that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki should implement the Erbil agreement.

The agreement ended a nine-month dispute over who should run the government following March 2010's elections. The deal, which was signed by all the major political party leaders in Erbil, reinstated Maliki for the second successive term.

Maliki's elections rival, Ayad Allawi, whose Iraqiya won the elections, was promised a National Council for Strategic Policies in return for his concession over the PM post. The council was not formed and the PM's State of Law Coalition and Iraqiya began incriminating and accusing each other of violating the Erbil pact.

The Iraqi judiciary has accused Hashemi of running assassination squads against security personnel and Iraqi officials.
