• Sunday, 28 July 2024

KRG Interior Ministry ‘unified’

KRG Interior Ministry ‘unified’
Emad Ahmed KRG deputy prime minister announced Monday the unification of the Ministry of Interior.

The deputy held a press conference with the presence of Interior Minister Karim Sinjari, declaring that they have unified the two separate administrations of PUK and KDP ruling parties in the Kurdistan region.

“As we had pledged to the public to unify the Ministry of Interior within 40 days,” he told the press in a statement, “today we declare the Ministry complete unification even before 33 days pass”.

“We have formed a special committee to take the measures relating to the financial and administrative affairs,” he added.

Police, Zeravani forces and the ministry forces will be called Kurdistan region’s “Rapid Reaction Forces” that directly would be under the command of the KRG Interior Ministry.

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Kurdistan Democratic Party have been running two separate administrations since the formation of the first Kurdish government following the uprising in 1991 in the Autonomous Kurdistan region.