• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Early evidence on Hashemi bodyguard torture must be reviewed

Gulan Media March 25, 2012 News
Early evidence on Hashemi bodyguard torture must be reviewed
The Human Rights Commission of the federal government revealed today it has early evidence on the methods used to extract confessions from the detained bodyguards of the Iraqi Vice President, but needs to thoroughly review the information.

The Interior Ministry presented last November confessions from three of Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi's body guards accused of carrying out bombings on his behalf, which the politician considers "fabricated" and taken under threat and torture.

Hashemi claimed on Sharqiya TV that the body of one of his bodyguards, who was arrested three months ago and detained by security forces in Baghdad, was delivered to his family on March 18.

The cause of death was not mentioned in the death certificate.

The Iraqiya coalition, led by the former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, has also stated that Hashemi's guard was killed under torture by the security services that detained him.

The Baghdad Operations Command denied the torture of the member of Hashemi's protection and assured that his death was due to his kidney disease and pledged of presenting all reports to prove that.

The Ministry of Human Rights in the Iraqi government announced Thursday that the Prosecutor's Office is working, after being informed about Hasehmi's claims, to determine the circumstances of death of Hashemi's bodyguard, who was detained by security forces in Baghdad.

Committee Chairman Salim al-Jabbouri told AKnews that the committees formed to investigate the exposure of Hashemi's protection to pressure in order to extract confessions, are not equipped to deal with the issue, which he considered too big.

About the existence of pressure on the protection elements of Hashemi to extract confessions from them Jabbouri said, "There are initial signs in this regard but should be reviewed."

Hashemi is one of the most prominent Sunni politicians in Iraq, and is currently seeking shelter in Iraqi Kurdistan after the federal government issued a warrant against him on charges of heading assassination gangs.
