• Sunday, 01 September 2024

Iraqiya praises Barzani's stand over Hashemi dilemma

Gulan Media March 18, 2012 News
Iraqiya praises Barzani's stand over Hashemi dilemma
Iraqiya spokeswoman, Maysoon al-Damlouji, told AKnews yesterday: "There was a feeling that the Kurds were supporting the strong.

"But Barzani proved that the Kurds support the right, because they know that any dictatorship in Baghdad will have negative consequences on Kurdistan."

Barzani announced in a speech on Thursday at the first conference for the Youth of Kurdistan in Erbil city that Kurdistan Region will not hand over Hashemi to Baghdad. He also accused the central government of trying to involve the Kurds in the Hashemi issue.

Last month, Barzani proposed to resolve the Hashemi issue politically by holding a meeting between the three presidencies and the Iraqiya list.

This was considered by State of Law Coalition (SLC) as "transcending" the judiciary and having a "disregard for the lives of innocent people."

Damlouji said: "Everyone understands that the issue is not with Hashemi but the targeting of the Iraqiya list and this is not only our position.

"We must learn from the past by not allowing any form of power exclusivity to appear again, or politicize the judiciary and security services."

"The political leaders must get informed about the Hashemi issue. Even the defense lawyer was not allowed become informed through the necessary documents and were not allowed to meet the detainees."

The Karkh Criminal Court will try Hashemi and his brother-in-law in absentia late this year on May 3.

The Supreme Judicial Council revealed last month that Hashemi's bodyguards are alleged to have been involved in more than 150 assassinations against judges, doctors and senior officers in the ministries of defense and interior.

The detainees are alleged to have used silent weapons in addition to launching missiles against their targets.

Hashemi has protested the innocence of himself and his protection team and also said he may resort to appealing to the international community.

He has also accused the Iraqi judiciary of being subject to the executive powers after his request to transfer his case from Baghdad to Kirkuk was rejected.
