• Monday, 22 July 2024

Decayed Minds

Gulan Media December 28, 2014 From Media
Decayed Minds
By Salam Abdullah

An Iraqi MP from State of Law said something bitter about Peshmerge and Kurdistan which one cannot decide whether it is madness, stupidity or an example of the utmost chauvinism.

An Iraqi MP from State of Law said something bitter about Peshmerge and Kurdistan which one cannot decide whether it is madness, stupidity or an example of the utmost chauvinism.

Let's see what Aliyah Naseef, a Member of the Iraqi Parliament said: she considers the liberation of Shingal by Peshmerge as an act of occupation of Iraqi soil.

Yes, occupation. But when Shingal was attacked and occupied by the terrorists and thousands of people were killed, abducted and captured as sex slaves, she and her alike expressed their silent happiness. They did not even condemn it.

She and those with the same rotten mentality have been blinded by hatred, racism and chauvinism.

They refuse to see and acknowledge that those who?ve been exterminated and killed en masse were Kurds and the soil from which they had been driven away is actually Kurdish soil.

By which standard can we measure this injustice? When you liberate your own land from the black-flagged, most brutal terrorists in the history and some people accuse you of occupation instead of offering congratulations. Is there anyone who can occupy his own land?

This warped view is the product of the twisted minds of those who cannot see the truth as it is. They twist history and reality.

This is the attitude of an MP whose party has the majority in the Iraqi Parliament. So, what can we expect from such a Parliament?
Earlier, another lady in the same bloc, Hanan Fatlawy, who doesn?t hide her hatred towards the Kurdish people and their experience confessed that when she was in charge of the implementation of Article 140 of Iraqi Constitution regarding the settlement of the issue of the disputed areas and Kirkuk, she never let the process progress in the course of four years, and has always hampered it and was against any peaceful resolution of the issues.

So, for us the Kurds people, staying within Iraq is just like hammering the iron while it is cold. The chauvinistic Arabs neither believe in federalism, the right to self-determination nor any kind of agreement.

They want a strong centralized state so that they can rule supreme. Otherwise who would dare to say what the lady has said that Kurds are occupying Iraqi soil? Ponder such a decayed mind!

The Kurdish Globe