• Monday, 22 July 2024

Professor Dr. Robert Axelrod for Gulan: A nuclear arms race in the Middle East is a serious possibility

Professor Dr. Robert Axelrod for Gulan: A nuclear arms race in the Middle East is a serious possibility
Robert Axelrod is the Walgreen Professor for the Study of Human Understanding at the University of Michigan. He has appointments in the Department of Political Science and the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. Prior to coming to Michigan he taught at the University of California, Berkeley (1968-74). He holds a BA in mathematics from the University of Chicago (1964), and a PhD in political science from Yale (1969). In 2014, he was awarded the National Medal of Science, the "nation's highest honor for scientific achievement and leadership."He is best known for his interdisciplinary work on the evolution of cooperation which has been cited more than 30,000 times. His current research interests include international security and sense-making. Among his honors and awards are membership in the National Academy of Sciences, a five year MacArthur Prize Fellowship, the Newcomb Cleveland Prize of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences for an outstanding contribution to science, and the National Academy of Sciences Award for Behavioral Research Relevant to the Prevention of Nuclear War. He served as President of the American Political Science Association (2006-07). In 2015 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree by Harvard University. In a written interview with our Magazine he answered our questions as following:
Gulan: How do you characterize the US Policy in the Middle East?
Professor Dr. Robert Axelrod: The US policy favors Israel, and Saudi Arabia, and opposes Iran.

Gulan: Can we safely say that it has been successful in assuring its allies and deterring its adversaries in the Middle East?
Professor Dr. Robert Axelrod: No.

Gulan: In your expectation what will be the implications of the Trump’s administration to walk away from the Iran nuclear deal?
Professor Dr. Robert Axelrod: It is too early to tell.

Gulan: Do you believe that this decision will trigger nuclear arm race in the Middle East, especially if Iran decided to disregard the deal?
Professor Dr. Robert Axelrod: A nuclear arms race in the Middle East is a serious possibility, especially if Iran is seen to be pursuing a nuclear weapon, and perhaps even if Saudi Arabia and others are uncertain about whether or not Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapon.
Gulan: It seems that Trumps administration is not so terribly interested in democracy promotion and nation building abroad, so how wise this policy is?

Professor Dr. Robert Axelrod: The United States has had a series of disappointing results in its effort to promote democracy and "nation building". It has become clear that foreign nations can usually have only limited influence in these matters in anything less than decades and perhaps not even then.

Gulan: What is your expectations for the Middle East in terms of best case and worst case scenario?
Professor Dr. Robert Axelrod: I do want wish to speculate.