• Monday, 22 July 2024

Michael M. Gunter: Ideally it would be best for the international community to welcome an independent KRG

Michael M. Gunter: Ideally it would be best for the international community to welcome an independent KRG
Gulan: The situation of Middle East has become complex the way enemies and coalitions cannot be easily distinguished. These issues cannot be resolved within the existing borders, according to your opinion; to what extent Middle Eastern states are themselves factors for the current chaos and instability in the area?

Gunter: Most Middle East states are artificial creations of western imperialism following WWl. Therefore these artificial states are in some cases such as Iraq and Syria proving to be unable to solve their many problems and as a result their populations are turning to other ethnic (KURDS) and sectarian groups (Sunni and Shiite) to solve their problem.

Gulan: There is a quota saying “States make wars, and wars make states”, if according to this statement the modern nation state is the product of 30 years’ war in Europe, so the current war in Middle East might also produce new states. But, the question is that; if the war does not create new states, how it will become over?

Gunter: Only time will tell what will take the place of Iraq and Syria. Either several new smaller and more ethnically and sectarian homogeneous entities or larger loose federations. Ocalan's concept of decentralized democratic autonomy seems unlikely to be prevail enter given the continuing existence of power politics.

Gulan: According to the definition of modern state, it has to have ability of protecting its territory, provide rule of law and having well-functioning institutions, but in the current Middle Eastern states, all these factors are absent. According to your opinion; don’t you agree that this means now it is the time to think of a new type of state within new borders?

Gunter: yes! And if we do not think of a new type of entity, something new will form anyway.

Gulan: Since the emerging of Islamic Caliphate in Iraq, except for Kurdistan region in Iraq, no other aspects have been able to defeat terrorism on the ground. Currently Kurdistan region is not a state, but it is trying to build one. According to your opinion; would you agree that it is better to have international community welcome this new state as a model state for defeating terrorism on the ground?

Gunter: Ideally it would be best for the international community to welcome an independent KRG, but this is unlikely to happen given the felt need for stability. Therefore the KRG will have to judge by itself when it is best to declare independence. However unofficial approval should be sought from the USA, Turkey and Iran.

Gulan: The main change that should be taken into consideration is losing Iraq and Syria as two sovereign states; they have turned into a battlefield for Sunni-Shiite conflict. But still international community and United States are talking about unity and sovereignty of these two states, while they are not present on real ground practically. Don’t you think that this is turning a blind eye over the reality and it is a running from the problem?

Gunter: yes. This is why the KRG will have to make its own best decision on when the time is ripe for independence.

Gulan: We would like also to ask your opinion about holding referendum for independency in Kurdistan region of Iraq?

Gunter: we all know that most KURDS prefer independence. Twice already unofficial referendums said so! When the KRG leaders determine the time for independence has come, then it would be best to call an official referendum hopefully monitored by the UN. Given the current economic and political problems now, clearly the time is not right for independence.