• Monday, 22 July 2024

Leila Nachawati to Gulan Magazine:We have being pressuring our government in Spain so that they expel the Syrian ambassadors within the country

Leila Nachawati to Gulan Magazine:We have being pressuring our government in Spain so that they expel the Syrian ambassadors within the country
Social media manager Leila Nachawati is a Spanish-Syrian activist who writes for Global Voices and Periodismo Humano. We contacted Miss Nachawati to discuss the Syrian case and she replied to our questions in an exclusive interview to Gulan Magazine as the following:
* After the international community failed to take a decision against Syrian regime we see that all the observers are expecting from security council members United states, European Union and also Arab league and Turkey to take a decision outside United nations but the international community still refuses any military intervention so how is it possible to limit the actions of Syrian regime?
- For many months now, people who are out of Syria, like I live in Spain, we have being pressuring our government so that they expel the Syrian ambassadors within the country. So we are now feeling that the European ambassadors are moving their ambassadors from Syria that is not such a powerful step right now even the diplomatic situation, even the security concerns these countries have for their own people. So what is really have we are really demanding that would help to isolate the Syrian regime which is what activists demanding from the Syria is that the western countries and the rest of the world expelled the Syrian ambassadors from their countries because these western countries are having a diplomatic of a government that is massacring some people within the country and these ambassadors are pressuring citizens of these countries and they are pressuring them and threatening them which harming their family just because demonstrating leaving their county so how can a democratic country allow these ambassadors that do not represent the Syrian people they only represent this illegitimate government how can they still allow them to be here and protect these embassies this is a fact that we are demanding for a year and we are still have not managed a consensus within the European union to expel all Syrian ambassadors from European countries.

* Supporting the Syrian opposition so as to topple the Syrian regime is currently discussed but some expert think that it is really difficult to topple Assad by opposition, so as the opposition is unable to topple the regime why the west is in favor of the continuation of bloodshed?
- I think there are interests of geostrategic, I mean geo-strategic interest and every country is trying to see what their position will be whatever the alternative is so always you have to be naïf about this there are always interest at state and we think there are interest of state supporting or not supporting one party or the other but we think that is very difficult also and we understand the difficulty in these countries because they are not sure what the alternative is I think this is why attempts to get rid of the Syrian parliament have still been shy because they don’t see that there is an alternative but it is very difficult for an alternative to be well articulated after decades and the United states Iraqi problem you know after decades of a government imposing the rule of violence the rule of oppression and the citizens don’t feel protected by their law citizens don’t feel protected by their government so it is difficult but in a few months there will be an opposition that is well articulated that works that presents a real alternative so whatever the alternative is I don’t think this government can survive since there were no alternative I think there is no possibility for this government to continue because the only reaction to articulate is violence and for a year now we see that they have not been able to provide any answer than violence through every form of expression citizen expression and their violence is their only recourse I think that’s the best of their own government it is killing itself by not being able to generate any response other than violence and nothing other than getting despot and I think that they are getting pressured inside and outside it is working I do no matter how high the prices.

* Some experts think that the attitude of Russia will change after elections in which Putin may support international community but Syrian regime has claimed the winning of Putin as an achievement so how do you interpret this? What will happen to Russian position?
- It is a good point I mean I'm very disappointed I think the Syrian people are very disappointed after years of a historical relations between Syria and Russia of a friendship between both people and a lot of things has been exchanged between both societies in the both countries the Syrian people have been very disappointed to realize that the Russian support is not with the people it is with illegitimate government so the Syrian people in the street are shouting and they are very aware of the effect of the Russian VETO if you see this videos with parents holding their children who have been killed and they are talking to camera and they are saying this is what you are doing Russia this is your veto this is what your veto have coast so they are very aware of the immediate effect of the international reactions they are very aware that thanks to Russia for supporting the Syrian government the assassinations are continuing and I really wonder what is really Russia joining so much from supporting the Syrian government I know they do seal weapons I know that a lot of money are taken but I don’t think that’s enough I think that justify that Russians are so obsessed with supporting Syrian government and I think that’s a question of money of profit I see this is a question of their strategic power and I see Russia somehow wants to prove the world or maybe he wants to prove that he is an alternative to the imperial powers so I think it is more of showing their muscles in the word and their power as an alternative than a real profit economically speaking and I really don’t see how much more Russia can stand supporting this government have everything to lose.

* Assad’s mass murdering by Assad’s regime in a humanity view point how it is possible to help these people?
- Well I think not forgetting about them they think very brave that they recording what is happening because they are risking their lives to show us what is happening and by showing us what is happening that can be a very powerful message that we are here this is a very big SOS message this videos are like old messages in bottle that people of ship break used to send I mean they sent it out in water hoping that may be someone will find it and read it so there something these videos hoping that we will not forget about it and we will hear the SOS message so in our case we pressuring our government so they expel the Syrian ambassadors we are also sending humanitarian aid and trying to get it to Syria especially to Hums we are listening to them we are spreading their messages we are make sure that their voices are heard we are trying to help them as much as economically and we are following their demands and following their agenda in the ground and I think they are initially.

* The remaining of Assad in power considered as an achievement in Iran at the same time failure to Saudi Arabia, to what extend the remaining of Assad in power will threaten the stability of the area?
- I think Syria has been very smart here in government about resenting itself as some kind of a balance keeper that keeping the balance in the region so they have presented themselves as a country that opposes Israel now we are seeing that is not true we are seeing that the Israel authorities are very worried that Assad government might fall because they are pretty sure that no other government and specially see some legitimate government chosen by people is not going to be so happy with the statuesque it is not going to let Israel as much as the government has is trying to find narrative which has been a narrative of conflict of opposition to Israel but actually in the ground in the field we have seen that there is no real conflict when it comes to Israel and Syria it is just the discourse that is helping both countries to serve their own agenda so I think these applies to everything else the Syrian government tried to portray itself as the government that keeps the balance in the area but I don’t think that the illegitimate government that protects its own people that massacres its own people imagine they don’t care about their own people if they doing that to children if they doing that to civilians innocent people what they not do to someone they do not care about so I mean they are not interested in anything but their own profit and I don’t think that they are keeping any balance in the region they are only serving their own agenda I think a real legitimate government chosen by the Syrian can always be better for the Syrians and for the area.

* The international community can no longer deal with Assad’s regime according to an opinion due to the legitimacy of Assad’s regime, so as Assad’s regime lost its legitimacy why the world doesn’t take this step rapidly? Don’t you think that friezing Assad’s regime first makes it easier to topple it down?
- Well I think as I said before I think every country is afraid of what will come next and this is not applied to Syria it is applied pretty much to the whole area we have seen how it is not easy to go from such a repressive context into a country with a well articulated civil society institutions that work rules that protect the citizens without other coups happening or other powers taking control so it is difficult it takes some time and I think countries around the world are afraid of the alternative of what will happen and how they will deal with what comes next I think if there was a well articulated alternative many countries will eager to support it and to have conversation but I think it is not easy to demand a well articulated alternative in such conflict and discourse context and we have to be with what comes next and I don’t think they Syrian government can last much no longer no matter whether there not be such an articulated alternative.

Transcription: Mahmud Samih