• Saturday, 26 October 2024

President Nechirvan Barzani: The success of the elections is the success of Kurdistan

Gulan Media October 21, 2024 News
President Nechirvan Barzani: The success of the elections is the success of Kurdistan

On Sunday, October 20, 2024, after casting his vote at a polling station in Erbil, President Nechirvan Barzani spoke about the importance of the elections and responded to questions from journalists.

The President stated: "This morning marks an important step for the Kurdistan Region in its democratic process. I would like to emphasize that the true winners of this process are the people of Kurdistan. This region belongs to its people."

On the election process, he said: "I’m pleased that despite minor issues, the process proceeded smoothly. I hope the people of Kurdistan use their right to choose their representatives and send them to parliament."

The President emphasized: "This election is crucial as it legitimizes and affirms the institutions of Kurdistan, elected by the people. I hope the process remains peaceful and that all citizens participate and exercise their right to vote. Let them go to the polling stations and elect their candidates for the next four years in the Kurdistan Parliament.”

President Nechirvan Barzani also thanked Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani, saying: "I extend special thanks to the Prime Minister of Iraq, His Excellency Al-Sudani, and to the President of the Judicial Authority, Faiq Zaidan, Hakim Jassim, the Iraqi Election Commission, UNAMI, and all the countries that were with us in this process and helped ensure the election took place. On this day, I want to thank all those individuals because, without their support, this process would not have been easy. We thank them.”

In response to a question about forming the next government, he said: "I hope the election process and government formation begin as soon as possible, as it’s in the best interest of all. With confidence, it will mark the start of a new phase. We’ve completed the campaign and voting, and now it’s time for all parties to unite so the government and other institutions can start functioning quickly."

The President of the Kurdistan Region added: What needs to happen is that the election must be completed, and it has been completed. All parties are free to sit together and decide on the roadmap for future alliances, which is normal in any democratic process. What I would like to reiterate is that the success of this election belongs to the people of Kurdistan and all its components. The next step is for parties to form coalition seats."

Regarding visits to Turkey, he noted: "We have a very good relationship with Turkey, and those visits are conducted within the framework of strengthening the relations between Iraq, the Kurdistan Region, and Turkey."

He mentioned, "There has been a very extensive and good meeting with President Erdogan. The topics that are related to Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, whether from an economic or security perspective or concerning issues in the region, were all discussed in detail with President Erdogan, the Foreign Minister, and Dr. Ibrahim."

About the formation of the future government of the Kurdistan Region, he said: "Like all the people of this country, I await as soon as possible the establishment of a strong government that can provide more services to the citizens of the Kurdistan Region. I am pleased that in Kurdistan, we are currently addressing our issues through the ballot box. This is significant progress and a point of pride for the people of Kurdistan."

He added: "The priority for any next government should be to improve the lives of citizens. My expectation from that government is to be formed as soon as possible so that it can serve the citizens of the Kurdistan Region and all the people and components of the Kurdistan Region."

When asked about a challenge involving a disabled woman named Awat Azad, who could win a car by voting, he joked, 'Awat Khan won our challenge. I told her during a call that she won because the voting device malfunctioned; otherwise, I would’ve won. It was all in good fun, and I congratulate her.'"

Regarding the message to Kurds, he said: “Our message to every Kurd everywhere is that this is a democratic process that has begun in our country. We hope you will support and cooperate to ensure that this process in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is carried out well within the framework of Iraq. Our success is the success of every Kurd living anywhere, whether in Europe or anywhere else. The success of the Kurdistan Region in this process within the framework of Iraq is the success of every Kurd, wherever they are."

He urged: "My message to the people of Kurdistan is that this is their right; they must follow the authority and rights that they have. The Kurdistan Region currently has the authority that has resulted from the outcome of the election process, and it has reached a ruling."

He also said: "I call on everyone to be vigilant; they must exercise their rights to change their authorities. Our source of authority is our people, through the ballot box. The source of the authority that currently exists in the Kurdistan Region is the result of the elections and the voice of the people of Kurdistan. This is a fundamental right of theirs; they are responsible for the future of this country, and they should go and vote in the way they see fit."

On relations with Baghdad, he said: "Regarding Baghdad, previously this was the policy of the Regional Government, and I do not believe it will change. The Kurdistan Region is a part of federal Iraq, and it will remain a part of federal Iraq. The policy of the Kurdistan Region is to continuously seek to resolve the issues with Baghdad through dialogue at the negotiation table. This expectation exists, especially after the formation of this cabinet, as the Kurdistan Regional Government genuinely wants to resolve issues through dialogue and within the framework of the Iraqi constitution."

President Nechirvan Barzani also said: "I believe now is the time to address our issues based on the constitution. The Kurdistan Region has authority within the framework of the Iraqi constitution, and it has both responsibilities and rights. In these next four years, what is important for the Kurdistan Region and Iraq is that this constitution is implemented."

He also pointed out: "Since 2003 until now, unfortunately, the Iraqi constitution, which the people of Iraq generally voted for, has not been implemented. The political approach of Baghdad with the Kurdistan Region and the political approach of the Kurdistan Region with Baghdad all of this has defined the constitution. The Kurdistan Region seeks to have a stable Iraq so that we can all serve this country together, including Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, Yazidis, Christians, and all other groups. The key to stability in Iraq is to resolve the issues between Erbil and Baghdad, and the solutions are defined in the constitution."

President Nechirvan Barzani stated, "Implementing the constitution and returning to dialogue and seriously working on resolving issues is the key to political stability for Iraq, and Baghdad must understand this. We in the Kurdistan Region have already understood this. I hope we can reach an outcome with Baghdad that benefits all the people of Iraq and all its components."

In response to another question about the future relations of the Kurdistan Region with neighboring countries, the President of the Kurdistan Region said: "For the next four years and the past four years, the policy of the Kurdistan Region has been one of stability in the region. We are a factor for stability in the area. We want to have friendly relations with our neighbors and provide economic development and social progress through our connections with them."

He further noted: "In the next four years, we are confident that we will establish strong relations with all our neighbors based on two-sided cooperation and advancement in the fields of economy, society, trade, and transportation. In these four years, for us as the Kurdistan Region, prioritizing economic growth must be the focus. The Kurdistan Region will continue to be a factor for stability in the area and will utilize all its capabilities to ensure that these issues in the region do not negatively impact Kurdistan and Iraq."

Regarding the intensity of the election campaigns from some parties during the elections, the President of the Kurdistan Region said: "The election campaigns can sometimes be harsh and sometimes soft. This means that while they are election campaigns, one should closely observe the democratic process in Kurdistan. What happens may sometimes be elevated and showy, with discussions present; however, in the end, this is a democratic process in every sense. Our people have reached a level that they want, through the electoral box, to resolve issues."

President Nechirvan Barzani further stated: "The election campaign is different from the reality that comes before it. What is important is that we must come together. Kurdistan is not the property of one side or one party; it belongs to all of this nation. Therefore, with certainty, discussions, and negotiations should begin among each other in the coming days. The election call has been completed, and a new phase is starting. This new phase requires that the parties, within the framework of the interests of the Kurdistan Region and its citizens, make their own decisions."

Regarding the non-participation of some parties in the government that previously declared themselves in the opposition, President Nechirvan Barzani said: "That is their right. Those political parties can choose whether to participate or not; that is also a democratic process and their right. They have the right to decide how they want to operate within their interests."

In response to a question about the unrest in the Middle East, President Nechirvan Barzani said: "Our policy in the Kurdistan Region and our coordination with Baghdad, as well as our discussions with our neighbors, are all aligned. We certainly do not wish for Iraq to become entangled in these conflicts. Iraq is part of the Kurdistan Region within the framework of Iraq. We have many issues within Iraq; escalating tensions in Iraq will have serious repercussions. We want Iraq to remain distant from these conflicts. In this context, we must work with Baghdad and neighboring countries to ensure this. We need to do everything possible to prevent Iraq from becoming a battleground for the current unrest in the region."

Regarding the possibility of fraud in response to a journalist's question, President Nechirvan Barzani said: "This current election process is in the hands of the Baghdad commission. From what I see in the process, as an observer, I want to express my appreciation to them because they have conducted the process in a very organized manner. If there are any issues, the mechanism is clear, and they can present their complaints within that framework."

He also stated: "Regarding the process discussed, I do not anticipate that there will be fraud. The work is very organized, and I do not believe there will be an opportunity for that because the mechanisms are quite strong. However, the elections may bring up issues if they are not fully addressed. In addition, there are solutions for all of them; the solutions are that if you have complaints, the commission exists to address them. All solutions have been provided, but as for the process, I do not feel that there will be a place for construction within this process."

Regarding the timeframe of the election campaign, the President of the Kurdistan Region said: "Each day, I reminded myself to be grateful that another day had gone by. Overall, I believe the process has been quite orderly up to this point. This shows that our people's situation has improved, and the citizens of the Kurdistan Region have approached this issue with a commendable level of civility, reflecting their maturity. I sincerely hope that today, this process continues smoothly and peacefully. I urge all parties and the people of Kurdistan to work together to ensure that it concludes in an organized fashion, just as it has in the past. The success of this endeavor is not only a victory for Kurdistan but also for the democratic process in Iraq. May it unfold peacefully.”
