• Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Iraqi Airstrikes Target Islamic State Militants in Kirkuk

Gulan Media October 15, 2024 News
Iraqi Airstrikes Target Islamic State Militants in Kirkuk

The Iraqi Joint Operations Command has confirmed that recent airstrikes have successfully targeted Islamic State (IS) militants in the Kirkuk region, resulting in the deaths of four IS members, including a prominent leader.

On Tuesday, the Joint Operations Command issued a statement indicating that the airstrikes were conducted in response to directives from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces aimed at intensifying efforts against remaining IS elements. Utilizing precise intelligence gathered by the targeting cell within the Joint Operations Command, Iraqi Air Force Command executed the airstrikes in the Laylan area, situated within the Kirkuk Operations Command sector.

According to the statement, the operation involved two successful airstrikes carried out by army aviation using F-16 aircraft at a specific hideout of the militants. "All information gathered from these sources will be confirmed after further investigation," the Joint Operations Command noted.

The security operation also resulted in the destruction of weapons, communications equipment, and logistical materials associated with the militants. Ongoing searches are being conducted to locate any remaining elements in the area.

In recent months, Iraqi security forces have ramped up airstrikes targeting IS sleeper cells across central and southern Iraq, following warnings from the international community regarding the potential reorganization of IS militants. Earlier this year, the U.S. Central Command reported that there are approximately 2,500 IS militants active in Iraq and Syria, with about 1,000 of them believed to be operating within Iraq.

The Iraqi government continues to emphasize its commitment to combating terrorism and ensuring the safety and security of its citizens.
