Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani Commends Teachers on 62nd Anniversary of Kurdistan Teachers Union

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani issued a congratulatory message on Wednesday in celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the Kurdistan Teachers Union (KTU). In his statement, Prime Minister Barzani lauded the contributions of the region's educators in shaping a robust future for Kurdistan.
"The Kurdistan Teachers Union was established in a difficult time and has a proud history of organizational and professional struggle, defending the rights and demands of Kurdistan teachers, and advocating for the legitimate rights of the Kurdish people," stated PM Barzani. He highlighted the enduring significance of the KTU in championing both the professional rights of teachers and the broader national aspirations of the Kurdish community.
The Prime Minister emphasized the vital role teachers play in nurturing and educating future generations. "We look at teachers as instrumental in raising and educating our future generations," he affirmed.
The Kurdistan Teachers Union has long championed the rights of educators, giving them a voice in policies that affect us all.
— Masrour Barzani (@masrourbarzani) May 15, 2024
They ensure teachers have the support needed to retell our nation’s past, empower the new generation and make Kurdistan a better place.
Barzani expressed his aspiration for educators in Kurdistan to persist in their sacred duty of cultivating patriotic values and delivering education with a progressive and innovative approach. He stressed the importance of instilling a love for Kurdistan and a commitment to upholding the national achievements and constitutional framework of the Kurdistan Region.
The Prime Minister's message underscores the pivotal role of the Kurdistan Teachers Union in both the educational and nationalistic spheres, recognizing its historical and ongoing efforts to advance the rights and quality of education in the region.