• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Kurdistan Democratic Party Condemns Federal Supreme Court's Decisions

Gulan Media March 6, 2024 News
Kurdistan Democratic Party Condemns Federal Supreme Court's Decisions

In a strongly worded statement released yesterday, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) has denounced recent rulings by the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court, accusing it of overstepping its constitutional mandate and encroaching upon the powers and characteristics of the Kurdistan Region.

The KDP's statement lambasted the court's decision on the Kurdistan Parliamentary Election Law No. 1 of 1992, amended on February 21, 2024, which it argues infringes upon the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region, undermines federalism, and violates the principle of separation of powers enshrined in the Iraqi constitution.

Emphasizing the historical struggle of the Kurdish people for freedom and political rights, the statement highlighted the importance of free elections in establishing democratic legitimacy and fostering the transition from revolutionary to legal governance. It underscored the pivotal role of the Kurdistan Region in shaping Iraq's federal system and the sacrifices made to secure democratic freedoms.

However, the KDP lamented the persistent disregard for constitutional provisions by federal institutions, particularly the Federal Supreme Court, accusing it of assuming legislative and executive powers beyond its mandate. The party warned that such decisions seek to diminish the powers and autonomy of the Kurdistan Region, weakening its institutions and eroding its constitutional rights.

Of particular concern to the KDP is the court's ruling on the Kurdistan Parliamentary Election Law, which it argues undermines the democratic foundations of the region by reducing parliamentary seats and eliminating minority representation, violating constitutional principles and threatening the integrity of the electoral process.

The KDP called for a concerted effort to uphold the constitution, safeguard federalism, and prevent further encroachments on the Kurdistan Region's autonomy. It urged stakeholders to prioritize constitutional legality, enact critical legislation, and ensure the independence of the judiciary.

Furthermore, the KDP warned against politicizing the Federal Supreme Court and stressed the need for impartiality in resolving disputes between the Kurdistan Regional Government and Baghdad. It called for a commitment to constitutional principles to preserve Iraq's federal democratic system and prevent its descent into centralized governance.
