• Monday, 22 July 2024

KRG Calls on Canada to Upgrade Diplomatic Presence in Erbil to Consulate General

Gulan Media February 20, 2024 News
KRG Calls on Canada to Upgrade Diplomatic Presence in Erbil to Consulate General

In a significant move aimed at bolstering bilateral relations, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Department of Foreign Relations has urged Canada to elevate its diplomatic presence in Erbil to the level of Consulate General.

Safeen Dizayi, the head of the KRG’s Department of Foreign Relations, made these remarks during a commemorative speech marking the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Embassy of Canada to Iraq in Erbil. Dizayi praised the decade-long engagement of the Canadian diplomatic mission in Erbil, highlighting its active role in diplomacy and its contributions to counterterrorism efforts and support for the Peshmerga forces.

Underlining the necessity of international cooperation in confronting radical groups posing threats to stability and coexistence in the Kurdistan Region, Dizayi emphasized the successful joint efforts in defeating the Islamic State (IS), while acknowledging the persistent threat posed by the terrorist organization.

Dizayi also underscored the vital role played by the Peshmerga in the fight against IS and reiterated the Kurdistan Region's pivotal role in addressing regional security challenges. He reaffirmed the shared commitment of international allies in ensuring peace and stability in the region.

Highlighting the robust relations between the Kurdistan Region and Canada, Dizayi emphasized the cultural exchange facilitated by Kurdish communities in Canada, particularly their efforts in promoting Kurdish culture in the Canadian parliament.

Moreover, Dizayi pointed to Canada's federal system as a potential model for Iraq, suggesting that Iraq could leverage Canada's experience to support the establishment of federalism principles. He stressed the importance of cooperation between Erbil and Baghdad in fostering a federal framework that respects the diversity and constitutional rights of all Iraqi communities.

The call for upgrading diplomatic representation reflects the Kurdistan Regional Government's dedication to strengthening ties with Canada and enhancing bilateral cooperation across various sectors, including security, culture, and governance.
