• Saturday, 27 July 2024

Turkish Consul Urges Joint Efforts to Combat Drug Trafficking between Erbil, Baghdad, and Ankara

Gulan Media October 15, 2023 News
Turkish Consul Urges Joint Efforts to Combat Drug Trafficking between Erbil, Baghdad, and Ankara

In a significant call to action, the Consul of Turkey in Erbil, Mohammed Mawlud Yagut, has emphasized the need for intensified cooperation and information exchange between the Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq, and Turkey to combat the rampant issue of drug trafficking. Yagut revealed that the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) heavily relies on the drug trade for a substantial portion of its financial resources.

This call for collaboration came during a speech delivered by Yagut at a drug prevention conference convened in the capital, Erbil. The event was attended by the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani, and focused on strategies to combat the growing menace of drug trafficking in the region.

Yagut went on to assert that the PKK is "involved in marketing and trafficking drugs in Europe," highlighting the findings of reports from Europol and the sanctions imposed by the U.S. Treasury on officials associated with the party. These reports, he claimed, provide clear evidence of the PKK's involvement in the illicit drug trade.

The Turkish Consul raised a critical point during his speech, stating that "illicit funds derived from the drug trade are being utilized to provide strong financial support for the continued activities of various terrorist organizations operating in the region."

Moreover, Yagut revealed that Turkish authorities have made substantial seizures in their efforts to combat the drug trade. In the first eight months of 2023 alone, they confiscated approximately two million captagon pills, over four million other drug pills, 13 tons of crystal meth, and 11 kilograms of other illicit substances. Notably, some of the individuals apprehended in these operations were identified as "members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party."

While reiterating the urgency of the situation, the Turkish Consul in Erbil called for a united front to tackle the issue, urging the governments of the Kurdistan Region, Iraq, and Turkey to strengthen their cooperation and share critical information to combat drug trafficking effectively. This move not only addresses a serious regional challenge but also reinforces the commitment to a safer, drug-free future for all.
