• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Ninth Cabinet Implements Strategic Projects Across Kurdistan Region

Ninth Cabinet Implements Strategic Projects Across Kurdistan Region

The ninth cabinet of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has successfully implemented a wide range of strategic projects across the entire Kurdistan Region. Over the past four years, the cabinet has prioritized good governance and efficient government positions to provide comprehensive services to the people. As a result, thousands of projects have been completed in various provinces, administrations, cities, towns, and villages of Kurdistan. In this report, we provide details of these projects and their scope.

Comprehensive Coverage of Projects across Kurdistan Region

The KRG has implemented projects with a comprehensive and inclusive approach, covering all provinces and autonomous administrations. This approach reflects the government's commitment to scientific and national governance principles. A total of 3,359 different projects, worth 12 trillion 838 billion 607 million dinars, have been successfully implemented in the Kurdistan Region, spanning various crucial sectors. The projects include 997 in roads and transportation, 675 in water and sewerage, 439 in energy use and production, 427 in infrastructure and services, 261 in education, 190 in agriculture, 120 in government and civil society, 83 in health, 63 in tourism, 39 in banking and financial services, and 65 in various other sectors.

Erbil Province: 1104 Projects

Erbil province, including all its districts, has witnessed significant development with the implementation of 1104 projects over the past four years. The total cost of these projects amounts to 4 trillion 983 billion 745 million dinars. The projects span various fields, with 316 projects in roads, 237 in electricity and energy, 180 in water and sewerage, 138 in infrastructure, 67 in education, 68 in agriculture, 29 in civil society, 14 in health, 7 in banking and finance, 4 in communications, 3 in industry and minerals, and 12 in various other fields.

Sulaimani Province: 644 Projects

Sulaimani province has also received significant attention from the ninth cabinet, witnessing the successful implementation of 644 projects. These projects, valued at 2 trillion 839 billion 349 million dinars, have positively impacted various sectors. Notably, 155 projects were carried out in water and sewerage, 131 in roads, 94 in infrastructure and services, 77 in education, 42 in agriculture, 39 in government and civil society, 37 in electricity and energy, 34 in health, 12 in banking and finance, 9 in tourism, and 14 in other fields.

Duhok Province: 617 Projects

In Duhok province, 617 projects have been implemented, amounting to a total cost of 2 trillion 210 billion 696 million dinars. The projects encompassed multiple sectors, with 212 in roads and transportation, 133 in water and sewerage, 66 in energy use and production, 75 in infrastructure and services, 42 in education, 37 in agriculture, 19 in government and civil society, 14 in health, 10 in tourism, 6 in banking and financial services, and 4 in other sectors.

Halabja Province: 133 Projects

Halabja province has seen the implementation of 133 projects, costing 319 billion 843 million dinars. These projects have contributed to the development of various sectors, including 46 projects in roads and transportation, 15 in water and sewerage, 14 in infrastructure and services, 13 in education, 8 in government and civil society, 4 in health, 4 in agriculture, 3 in energy use and production, 3 in tourism, and 1 in banking and financial services.

Garmian Administration: 160 Projects

The Garmian administration has successfully completed 160 projects, amounting to 604 billion 712 million dinars. These projects have focused on water and sewerage (35 projects), roads and transportation (28 projects), energy use and production (23 projects), infrastructure and services (22 projects), education (18 projects), agriculture (11 projects), government and civil society (7 projects), health (5 projects), tourism (5 projects), industry and mineral resources (2 projects), other sectors (3 projects), and banking and financial services (1 project).

Raperin Administration: 200 Projects

In Ranya and Raperin, a total of 200 projects have been implemented at a cost of 445 billion and 635 million dinars. These projects include 55 in roads and transportation, 47 in water and sewerage, 26 in infrastructure and services, 22 in energy use and production, 18 in education, 13 in agriculture, 7 in government and civil society, 3 in banking and financial services, and 3 in other fields, tourism (2 projects), and health.

Soran Administration: 338 Projects

The Soran administration has witnessed the implementation of 338 projects, with a total value of 460 billion and 450 million dinars. These projects cover a wide range of sectors, including 162 in roads and transportation, 71 in water and sewerage, 31 in infrastructure and services, 31 in energy use and production, 25 in education, 4 in agriculture, 5 in banking and financial services, 5 in health, 4 in government and civil society, 2 in tourism, and 3 in other fields.

Zakho: 138 Projects

In Zakho, 138 projects have been successfully implemented at a cost of 394 billion and 298 million dinars. The projects encompass 41 in roads and transportation, 36 in water and sewerage, 18 in infrastructure and services, 15 in energy use and production, 8 in agriculture, 6 in education, 4 in banking and financial services, 4 in government and civil society, 2 in other areas, and 2 in health. Additionally, 1 project has been implemented in the tourism sector.

Projects in Kurdish Areas outside the KRG: 25 Projects

Furthermore, 25 projects have been implemented in various fields in Kurdish areas outside the Kurdistan Regional Government.

The Kurdistan Regional Government's ninth cabinet has made significant progress in implementing strategic projects throughout the Kurdistan Region. With a focus on good governance and efficient government positions, thousands of projects have been completed, spanning critical sectors such as roads, transportation, water, energy, education, agriculture, health, tourism, and more. The KRG remains committed to ongoing project completion, further contributing to the development and prosperity of Kurdistan and its diverse regions.
