• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

Kurdistan Democratic Party Calls for Dialogue with Political Parties to Resolve Electoral Disagreements

Kurdistan Democratic Party Calls for Dialogue with Political Parties to Resolve Electoral Disagreements

In an effort to resolve political disagreements that have postponed parliamentary elections for over a year, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) has announced its willingness to hold meetings with all political parties in the Kurdistan Region.

The call for dialogue was made by KDP leader Masoud Barzani, who hopes to prevent problems that could jeopardize the elections, which are currently scheduled for November.

Disagreements between political parties over the electoral law and the reactivation of the electoral commission have already led to the postponement of the elections.

The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) has called for an amendment of the electoral law, which it views as unfair, particularly with regards to seats reserved for minorities. This issue has been a sticking point between the KDP and PUK, leading to escalating tensions and the latter's boycott of weekly cabinet meetings.

However, PM Barzani and Deputy PM Qubad Talabani have agreed to resolve these issues through dialogue and cooperation between all parties. Transparency issues around oil revenues and local income have also been a concern for the PUK, but the KDP is committed to resolving these issues through dialogue as well.

The KDP's willingness to engage in dialogue with all political parties in the region is seen as a positive step towards resolving the longstanding disagreements and ensuring that the elections can proceed as planned. The November elections are crucial for the future of the Kurdistan Region, and it is hoped that all parties will work together to ensure their success.

By Kobin Ferhad
