• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Kurdistan Region Presidency Condemns Sulaimani International Airport Incident

Gulan Media April 8, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Presidency Condemns Sulaimani International Airport Incident

The Presidency of the Kurdistan Region has released a statement condemning the incident that occurred at Sulaimani International Airport on the evening of April 7th. The statement expresses the Region's concern about the complications that have followed.

The Presidency has called on all relevant authorities to carry out their duties regarding the investigation into the source and cause of the incident. However, the statement also emphasized the need for all parties to remain calm and handle the situation in a proper manner, without making accusations or taking actions that could further exacerbate the situation.

The Kurdistan Region's Presidency has assured all citizens of the Region, particularly the residents of Sulaimani, that preserving their security, stability, and daily livelihoods is a top priority for the Region's institutions. The Presidency emphasized that any form of risk to citizens' safety will not be tolerated.

The statement by the Presidency highlights the Region's commitment to upholding the rule of law and promoting stability in the area. The Kurdistan Region remains determined to take all necessary steps to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens, and to work towards a peaceful and diplomatic resolution to the incident at Sulaimani International Airport.
