• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Kurdistan Region Government Expresses Concerns Over Attack on Sulaimani International Airport

Gulan Media April 8, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region Government Expresses Concerns Over Attack on Sulaimani International Airport

The Kurdistan Region Government, through its spokesperson Dr. Jotiar Adel, has expressed its deep concern over the recent attack on Sulaimani International Airport. Dr. Adel emphasized that the incident was caused by the misuse of government institutions by the area’s ruling party.

The government spokesperson further stressed that the closure of Turkish airspace to flights from Sulaimani International Airport has resulted in significant inconvenience and economic losses for the citizens in the region. As such, Dr. Adel called on the leadership in Sulaimani to take positive steps towards resolving the situation peacefully.

Despite the tensions in the region, the Kurdistan Region Government remains committed to the safety and well-being of all its citizens. It will continue to closely monitor the situation and provide support to those affected by the incident.

The government's call for a peaceful resolution highlights its commitment to upholding the rule of law and promoting stability in the region. The Kurdistan Region Government hopes that the leadership in Sulaimani will take this opportunity to work towards a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the current crisis.
