• Thursday, 06 February 2025

Kurdistan Region President calls on Iraqi government to compensate victims of Kurdish Fayli genocide

Gulan Media April 4, 2023 News
Kurdistan Region President calls on Iraqi government to compensate victims of Kurdish Fayli genocide

In a solemn statement issued on April 4th, 2023, Nechirvan Barzani, the President of the Kurdistan Region, called for justice and compensation for the victims of the atrocities committed against the Kurdish Fayli community in Iraq. The statement marked the forty-third anniversary of the genocide, disappearance, and deportation crimes that targeted the Fayli Kurds.

Barzani described the crimes committed against the Fayli Kurds as a racist ethnic cleansing campaign that involved the disappearance of tens of thousands of innocent citizens, the deportation of hundreds of thousands of others, the confiscation of their funds and property, and the revocation of their citizenship, all simply because of their Kurdish identity and legitimate rights.

The statement urged the Iraqi federal government to recognize the genocide as such and fulfill its legal and humanitarian duty to compensate the victims and restore their civil and material rights. Barzani paid tribute to the pure souls of the Fayli Kurdish martyrs and saluted their proud families. He emphasized that the sacrifices and loyalty of the Fayli Kurdish community are a source of pride for the Kurdish people and will remain eternal in their memory.

The statement comes amid ongoing discussions between the Kurdish region and the Iraqi government on issues such as oil revenue distribution and the status of disputed territories. The President's appeal for fairness and restitution is expected to contribute to improving the relationship between the two sides.
