• Sunday, 02 June 2024

PM Barzani: We reaffirm our commitment to serving more martyrs and Anfal victims

Gulan Media August 25, 2021 News
PM Barzani: We reaffirm our commitment to serving more martyrs and Anfal victims

The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) issued a message on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the Anfal massacre in Badinan, declaring that the Iraqi government needs to reimburse the victims of the Anfal genocide.

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, issued a message on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the Badinan Anfal, saying "On the thirty-third anniversary of the Anfal crimes in Bahdinan, we remember with reverence the victims of these brutal massacres, which were the last stages of the notorious Anfal campaigns perpetrated by the Iraqi Baathist regime and the resulting genocide that claimed the lives of thousands of innocent people from various components of the region, the destruction of hundreds of villages and the displacement of tens of thousands of citizens."

"Recalling this painful memory, we reaffirm that the Iraqi government must compensate the families of the victims of this genocide and other Anfal crimes, and we will spare no effort in order for the international community to recognize the Anfal crimes as genocide, renewing the commitment of the Kurdistan Regional Government to provide the best Services, care and all that befits the families of the Anfal victims and the families of the martyrs," the Prime Minister added.

"Greetings to the holy souls of the victims of the Anfal genocide and to all the martyrs of Kurdistan," premier Barzani concluded.
