• Saturday, 11 January 2025

Disputes rise between Iraqi troop and Peshmarga forces near Kurdistan-Syrian border

Gulan Media July 28, 2012 News
Disputes rise between Iraqi troop and Peshmarga forces near Kurdistan-Syrian border
Iraqi army and Kurdish Peshmarga forces came to a standoff on Friday near the Kurdistan-Syrian border, the ministry of Peshmarga announced, asking the Iraqi troops to withdraw from Fishkapur region.

On Friday the ministry of Peshmarga announced the details regarding the troops that Iraqi government had sent to the border strip between Syria and the Kurdistan Region and that 3,000 Peshmerga forces stationed in the area to stop them from coming further into the Kurdistan’s land.
Because of the serious concern about the armed clash between the both sides Kurdish forces are on alret, Anvar Haji Osman, ministry of Peshmerga’s chief of staff told Peyamner.
“The Iraqi forces moved to the area with prearranged plans and they have come in full military capacity in order to occupy the border region,” Hajji Osman told Rudaw.
“ but no conflict has accured so far” he said. “ we ask Iraqi government to withdraw its forces from the region, otherwise we are ready to act in response”, Osman added.
Fishkapure is a disputed territories between the two side and Kurdistan’s only border area with Syria.
In 2008, the Iraqi troopes entered into Jalawla and Saadiya areas in what they called an operation “to drive out terrorist groups” and they have remained in the area ever since.

Jalawla and Saadiya are also disputed territories populated by numerous Kurds who are facing lack of security in the region.