• Sunday, 28 July 2024

KRG: 15 foreign companies to inspect medicine

Gulan Media June 16, 2012 News
KRG: 15 foreign companies to inspect medicine
In a statement on Monday concerning the control and inspection of medicine, the KRG health minister, Dr. Rekawt Hama Rashid said, ‘Our ministry has endeavored to control medicine through two phases. The first phase is sending medicine through quality control before it comes to the Kurdistan Region, and for that reason we have formed this conference with the bordering countries to insure that medicine will not come into Kurdistan without proper quality control.’

The Kurdistan Regional Government has now initiated the second phase for controlling and inspecting medicine. The second phase consists of inviting foreign companies to inspect medicine in Iraqi Kurdistan. Currently 15 companies have been requested to work in the KRG.

Fortunately, all fifteen companies have showed their willingness to work and improve medicine in Iraqi Kurdistan.