• Sunday, 28 July 2024

Oil smuggling accusations were to stir up public only, says parliamentary committee

Gulan Media June 12, 2012 News
Oil smuggling accusations were to stir up public only, says parliamentary committee
- Kurdistan's oil smuggling accusations announced earlier by Deputy Prime Minister Hussein al-Shahrstani were only to stir up the Iraqi public, said Iraq's parliamentary oil and energy committee.
Committee spokesman Qasim Mohammed said: "The Kurdistan Region's President Massoud Barzani asked one month ago for forming a joint committee for investigating oil smuggling and to bring the acussed to justice, but so far the commission is yet to be form.

"When we suggested oil smuggling issues and investigation, members of the State of Law Coalition and al-Shahrstani's bloc were evading the discussion,” said Mohammed.

Member of the oil and gas committee Farhad Atrushi earlier accused officials from the fedral government of smuggling 150,000 barrels of oil daily to Israel via Jordan.
