Plan to launch first book radio in Kurdistan
The radio which will be called "Book Radio" and the traveling library campaign which Suli Cultural Café has began will increase the chances for promotion of book-reading culture in Kurdistan, said Idris Abu-Bakr, the Cultural Café director.
Abdu-Bakr's did not comment on the plan more. He focused more on the traveling library project whose second stage began today.
Suli Cultural Café has now camped in front of Suli Arts Activities Directorate, offering books on various subjects with 50% discount, said Abu-Bakr.
The first stage of the campaign was conducted in April across the whole Kurdistan Region.
Abu-Bakr said the second stage of the campaign which is sponsored by ASIACELL Telecom Company will last 100 days. The Café has planned to take the traveling library to the other cities in the meantime.