• Friday, 10 January 2025

Statement on World Press Freedom Day

Statement on World Press Freedom Day
President Barack Obama has stated that a free press is invaluable for its role in informing citizens about the important issues that shape our world, identifying corruption, and challenging abuses of power. Citizens need accurate, timely, independent news they can trust. So do businesses and markets. And so do governments.

In the past year, the world witnessed both the promise of, and the peril to, a free press. For example, journalists, bloggers, filmmakers and pundits have chronicled the developments sweeping the Middle East and North Africa while citizens armed with nothing but cell phones have reported the truth via social media. At the same time, journalism remains a dangerous profession around the world and in this region. Here in Iraq, random terrorist violence has cut down reporters in the prime of lifewhile other journalists have been targeted more directly. Crucial to the preservation and encouragement of a free media is the protection of journalists and artists of all types – professional and amateur.

Media freedom keeps societies and economies vibrant, energetic, and healthy. When the free flow of news and information is cut off, individuals suffer. Societies suffer. Economies suffer. A free press fosters active debate, exposes problems, and serves as a forum for different points of view. On World Press Freedom Day, the U.S. Embassy recognizes Iraqi journalists for the courage required to fulfill this role and honors those who have suffered because of their work.