• Monday, 22 July 2024

The Kurdish Painter Saiwan Sa'adiyan

The Kurdish Painter Saiwan Sa'adiyan
By Ashti Garmiyani

Saiwan Sa'adiyan is a Kurdish artist who works in the domains of painting, design, sculpture and cinema. He was born in the city of Mahabad in Eastern Kurdistan and completed primary and secondary schools there. He's now living here. He has got diploma in art in Tahran. Apple, which is a typical example of health, life, beauty and paradise, often appears in his works. He is a very active artist. Apart from being a famous teacher in designing many Kurdish books, he's also innovative in cinema and directing. The message that Sa'adiyan wants to convey to people around the world is that his art is special and that he can bring about as much modernity and renewal as possible. The artist's contributions are many. He's been living in the Kurdistan Region for 10 years. He's carried out many projects in the cities of Suleimani, Hawler and Duhok, including workshops for the young, women and in schools.

Saiwan Sa?adiyan is a Kurdish artist who works in the domains of painting, design, sculpture and cinema. He was born in the city of Mahabad in Eastern Kurdistan and completed primary and secondary schools there.

He?s now living here. He has got diploma in art in Tahran. Apple, which is a typical example of health, life, beauty and paradise, often appears in his works.

He is a very active artist. Apart from being a famous teacher in designing many Kurdish books, he?s also innovative in cinema and directing.

The message that Sa?adiyan wants to convey to people around the world is that his art is special and that he can bring about as much modernity and renewal as possible.

The artist?s contributions are many.

He?s been living in the Kurdistan Region for 10 years. He?s carried out many projects in the cities of Suleimani, Hawler and Duhok, including workshops for the young, women and in schools.

His works has too much resemblance with works of the Swiss artist Giacommetti. His sculptures are put in different locations here. We can see one in the garden of Chwar Chira Hotel.

People are passing by on daily basis and enjoy his work. His latest work is the one he?s showcased in the city of Amed, which is a sculpture made of wood with different inscriptions on it .

That?s why for art lovers this modernism is something interesting.

Saiwan was living in country where freedom means death. Being a Kurds is especially hard. But Southern Kurdistan has become a haven for him and thousands more.

Still, it?s difficult for the artists to make a living. It is a catastrophe in the world of art because creativity is not born this way. They cannot make progress as they want if their livelihood is not guaranteed.

Often the sadness and sufferings of an artist stimulate his imagination and the power of innovations in him. Being a refugee and far from his homeland have often inspired Saiwan.

Saiwan Sa'adiyan's persistence connotes an artistic and humanitarian message of searching for freedom. It is typical Kurdish.

Kurdish Globe