• Monday, 13 May 2024

California state senators explore progress of the Kurdistan Region

California state senators explore progress of the Kurdistan Region
Erbil, Kurdistan – Iraq (KRG.org) – A delegation of six California state senators visited Kurdistan last week to see what progress has been achieved in the Region since the 2003 liberation of Iraq and to gain an understanding of the likely affects of the US troop withdrawal that is scheduled for the end of this year.

The delegation, made up of state senators from both the Democratic and Republican parties, came to Kurdistan as part of a trip to the wider region.

President Masoud Barzani received the senators and talked with them about developments after the spring uprisings of 1991 which were followed by democratic elections, the formation of the Kurdistan Parliament and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), and significant improvements in the Region’s institutions, infrastructure and economy.

Members of the delegation expressed interest in Kurdistan's democratic system of governance and asked President Barzani to share his views on events in the border areas as well as the recent tensions between Erbil and Baghdad.

The California senators also met with Erbil Governor Nawzad Hadi to discuss the city's remarkable economic growth over the past eight years, and met with the Minister of Trade and Industry Sinan Chalabi to discuss potential opportunities for California businesses in the Kurdistan Region.

In his meeting with the six senators, the Head of the Department of Foreign Relations, Minister Falah Mustafa Bakir, expressed his appreciation of the United States’ recent decision to upgrade its regional office to a full Consulate General and his hope that the Consulate will help to significantly increase the presence of US businesses in the Region.

A number of the senators, who serve as chairs on committees for business, industry, transportation and economic development, discussed Regional development related to their areas of expertise, andthey said that Californian companies are ready to assist in a number of sectors in order to help continue rebuilding the Region.

The delegation also commended the bravery of the people and leadership of the Kurdistan Region in upholding and defending democratic rights, the tolerance of other ethnicities and religions and the rule of law.

The delegation was led by the Chair of the Senate Committee on Environmental Quality Joseph Simitian, and included: The Senate Majority Floor Leader Ellen Cobbett, the Chair of the Senate Committee on Transportation and Housing Mark DeSaulnier, the Chair of the Senate Republican Caucus Bob Huff, the Chair of the Senate Committee on Labour and Industrial Relations Ted W. Liue, and the Chair of the Senate Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development Curren D. Price.