• Monday, 22 July 2024

Interview of Javier Solana for Gulan magazine - Iraqi Kurdistan

Interview of Javier Solana for Gulan magazine - Iraqi Kurdistan
Regarding to the Turkish interference against Kurdistan Region, Gulan Magazine addressed few questions in an exclusive interview with his Excellency Javier Solana, the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy. His Excellency replied to us as the following:
Interview of Javier Solana*
by Farhad Mohamad for
Gulan magazine - Iraqi Kurdistan

*EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy

1. Recently, Turkey launched an operation against Iraqi Kurdistan region, during 8 days, it have made a great damage against the infrastructure of the region and the innocent civilians. What is the position the EU regarding to this operation?

First of all I would like to underline that this operation has ended with the withdrawal of Turkish troops from northern Iraq on 29 February. This is a very positive development. I expressed my concerns over the operation of the Turkish Army on the territory of Iraq right from the start of the operation.

2. The Turkish forces have yielded from the Iraqi soil, what are the guarantees for these attacks in order not to be repeated again against the Iraqi Kurdistan region? In case the attacks started again, what will be the EU attitude?

All acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable under any circumstances. The PKK is on the EU list of terrorist organisations. The EU has been very clear about this. The Iraqi Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government should take appropriate measures to ensure respect of the Turkish border. In its conclusions of 10 December 2007, the Council of the European Union condemned all terrorist attacks and violence on Turkish territory and expressed its solidarity with the people of Turkey as well as its support for Turkey's efforts to protect its population and fight terrorism. At the same time we underlined that in doing so Turkey must respect human rights, fundamental freedoms and international law and preserve regional peace and stability. The EU will continue to monitor the situation very carefully and to strongly urge for a solution to be found through dialogue and cooperation between Turkey and Iraq. We are very encouraged by the recent visit of the Iraqi President to Turkey.

3. Kurdistan region is the most secured part of Iraq; EU tries to drive Iraq towards liberation. How far does the EU ready to support the security situation of Iraqi Kurdistan region?
The EU does its best to support the whole of Iraq. More than 800 millions euros have been allocated to Iraq since 2003. A significant amount has gone to reconstruction including support for the electoral process in Iraq. In 2005 the EU launched its Integrated Rule of Law Mission in Iraq. Through this mission the EU continues to provide professional training and work secondments to senior Iraqi officials from the criminal justice system (police, judiciary and penitentiary).

4. The tension and the issue between Turkey and Kurdistan can not be solved by military means, in order to solve these issues, Ankara have to use dialogue and negotiations with the Kurdish leaders. As EU, how far do you support a peaceful method to solve these problems?

The European Union as a community of law and common values supports peaceful means to solve any disputes or problems and has thus systematically and consistently been calling on both Turkey and Iraq to strengthen their dialogue and cooperation in order to address the problem. In this framework, the European Union has been calling on the Turkish authorities to exercise restraint, to respect the territorial integrity of Iraq and refrain from taking any military action that could undermine regional peace and stability. At the same time, it has also been calling on the Iraqi Government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to ensure the respect for the Turkish border and guarantee that the Iraqi territory is not used for any violent actions against Turkey.

5. The issue of the Kurds in Turkey is not only the PKK, PKK and the Kurds are two different issues, and Turkey intends to link the two issues with each other. As EU, how far do you support the rights of the Kurdish population in Turkey?

As regards minority rights, cultural rights and the protection of minorities, Turkey should ensure cultural diversity and promote respect for and protection of minorities in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights and the principles laid down in the Council of Europe's Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and in line with best practice in Member States. While some steps have been taken in the last years, there is a need for further significant and concrete progress in particular as regards teaching of and broadcasting in languages other than Turkish. As regards the East and Southeast, there is also a need to promptly develop and implement a comprehensive strategy that will guarantee the economic, social and cultural development of this area thus enhancing economic, social and cultural opportunities for all Turkish citizens, including those of Kurdish origin. These issues are covered in the Negotiating Framework and constitute short-term priorities in the newly revised Accession Partnership. They are systematically raised by the Union on all levels as part of the ongoing reform process in Turkey. Developments in this area are closely monitored.

6. What are your suggestions for us, the Kurds, in order to solve this issue with Turkey through dialogue and peaceful negotiations?

Turkey is a close neighbour of Iraq. Trade between Iraq and Turkey is going well and many Turkish companies work in Iraq particularly in the Kurdistan Region. Obviously, the Kurdistan Region, Iraq and Turkey profit from this fruitful relationship. Continued dialogue and cooperation between Iraq and Turkey on the combat of terrorism is the key to addressing this issue. Openness by both Turkey and Iraq to contacts at all levels should be further pursued. A clear policy against terrorism and all acts of violence as well as measures guaranteeing that the Iraqi territory is not used for violent actions against Turkey will contribute to a more favourable climate for finding a common solution to this problem.

Notice: this interview with his Excellency Javier Solana was published in Kurdish in Gulan Magazine, and the Kurdish Version also was published on the EU Site in the following links:
