Nivîskarên miletên bêwelat li Stembolê li hev dicivin
Wê di vê "atoyê" de nivîskarên miletên mîna Kurd, Baskî, Galîsî, Berber-Amazîx û Katalan bêne cem hev û behsa pirsgirêk û astengiyên li pêşiya werger û belavbûna wêjeyên van miletên bêdewlet bikin.
Nivîskarên beşdar yên Kurd wê bi giranî ji bakurê Kurdistanê û Turkiyê bin, herwisa ji Ewrupayê jî, wê romannivîsê kurd Helîm Yûsiv beşdarî vê çalakiyê bibe.
Em li jêr programê van herdu rojan ku bi zimanê ingilîzî gihaye destê me ji we re diweşînin.
International Workshop for Writing, Translating and Publishing in Minority Languages in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
7-8 January 2011
Bilgi University, Dolapdere Campus
Friday, January 7th*
* All presentations will be made in Turkish or English and translated simultaneously.
- Each participant will have 10-20 minutes for presentation. After each panel, there will be approximately half
an hour for discussion.
8:30: Leave hotel for Bilgi University (Dolapdere)
9:00-11:00: Setting the Stage: The Kurdish Situation in Turkey I
Moderator: TBA
- Zana Farqini (dictionary, language resources, Kurdish Language Institute)
- Osman Özçelik (Kurdish and the state)
- Kawa Nemir (Translating from and into Kurdish; activities of Weşanên Lîs)
- Deniz Gündüz (publishing in minority language of the minority language; activities of Vate)
- Ronahi Önen (Kurdish language education)
11:00-11:15: Break
11:15-12:30: Catalan and Basque, Irish and Welsh
Moderator: Alexandra Büchler
- Amaia Gabantxo
- Carme Arenaz
- Gabriel Rosenstock
- Francesca Rhydderch
12:30-13:45: Lunch
13:45-15:00: Sami, Romany, Amazigh
Moderator: Francesca Rhydderch
- Brahim Tazaghart
- Selam Zenia
- Karolina Ryvolova
- Vuokko Hirvonen
15:00-17:00: Setting the stage: The Kurdish Situation in Turkey II
Moderator: TBA
- Azadiye Welat (media, linguistic and cultural dissemination and the role of the newspaper)
- Nubihar (publishing strategies)
- İrfan Güler (Translating as mediation between (stateless) cultures and languages)
- Roşan Lezgin (writing in Kurdish/Zazaki)
- Berfin Zenderlioğlu (Kurdish theater)
17:00-17:15: Break
17:15-18:45: Kurdish in Kurdistan (outside of Turkey) and in the Diaspora
Moderator: TBA
- Mazlum Doğan (Kurdish Cultural Heritage Institute and its activities; the view from Iraq)
- Helim Yusiv (Kurdish writer in the diaspora: the perspective from Syria and Germany)
- İhsan Espar (Work in Sweden for Kurmanji and esp. Zazaki; publishing in the diaspora)
20:00: Dinner at Çiya
Saturday, January 8th*
*Workshop discussions will take place in Kurdish (Kurmanji) and English and be translated consecutively by
a translator to be assigned to each group.
9:30 a.m.: Leave hotel for Bilgi University (Dolapdere)
10:00-11:30: Group workshops: Round one (8-9 people per group)
Group 1: Publishing strategies for the 21st century
Group 2: Arts & Media and Linguistic Dissemination
Group 3: Cultivating and supporting writers
* Each group will prepare written notes for dicussion in feedback session
11:30-11:45: Break
11:45-13:15: Group workshops: Round two (8-9 people per group)
Group 1: Publishing strategies for the 21st century
Group 2: Arts & Media and Linguistic Dissemination
Group 3: Cultivating and supporting writers & translators
* Each group will prepare written notes for dicussion in feedback session
13:15: 14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:00: Feedback from workshops: Groups present their notes for discussion
- Group 1s
- Group 2s
- Group 3s
16:00-16:15: Break
16:15-17:00: Concluding session
17:00+: Evening in Beyoğlu
* Will hopefully include a cocktail with members of the press and readings. Worst case scenario we have the
readings for the group itself, at a meyhane or similar locale