• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

KRSC Thwarts Major Drug Smuggling Operation Involving School Books Covered in Crystal Meth

Gulan Media July 23, 2024 News
KRSC Thwarts Major Drug Smuggling Operation Involving School Books Covered in Crystal Meth

Erbil, Kurdistan Region – The Anti-Narcotics Directorate of the Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) has successfully intercepted a significant drug smuggling operation, where laboratory tests revealed several school books were covered with crystal meth.

In a statement, the KRSC detailed that the operation was initiated based on initial intelligence information, involving extensive monitoring and follow-up by the Anti-Narcotics Directorate. The operation aimed to transport the concealed drugs into the Kurdistan Region, with plans to subsequently transit them to the United Kingdom.

The swift and expert actions of the security forces prevented the smuggling attempt. Following an order from the investigating judge, one suspect has been arrested, and all the implicated school books have been confiscated. The suspect is currently detained under Article 26 of the Combating Drugs and Psychoactive Substances Act.

The KRSC emphasized the critical importance of their ongoing efforts to combat drug trafficking, ensuring the safety and security of the Kurdistan Region. This successful interception underscores the dedication and vigilance of the KRSC and their commitment to safeguarding the community from the dangers of drug trafficking.
