• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Kurdistan Regional Government Intensifies Efforts to Combat Drug Trafficking and Addiction

Gulan Media April 4, 2024 News
Kurdistan Regional Government Intensifies Efforts to Combat Drug Trafficking and Addiction

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has announced heightened measures in its fight against drug trafficking and addiction, signaling a concerted effort to address the escalating issue within the region. Dindar Zebari, KRG’s Coordinator for International Advocacy, revealed that over 4,300 individuals are currently incarcerated in Kurdistan Region prisons, with a significant proportion associated with drug-related offenses.

Dindar Zebari, in a briefing with reporters, disclosed that out of the 4,323 detainees, 1,223 have already been sentenced, while the remaining cases await trial. The prevalence of drug-related activities is evident across the region, with Duhok reporting 2,282 arrests and Sulaimaniyah, Garmian, Halabja, and Raperin collectively reporting 1,080 arrests.

In a bid to combat the root causes of drug trafficking, the KRG has initiated collaborative efforts with Iraq and neighboring countries. A total of 147 joint reports have been exchanged to stem the flow of illegal drugs across borders. Additionally, the government is set to introduce an anti-drug culture program into the education curriculum, aiming to raise awareness among the youth.

Prime Minister Masrour Barzani has taken a proactive stance in overseeing the anti-drug efforts, providing directives to relevant authorities in legal, health, and cultural domains. Notably, the government is committed to establishing rehabilitation centers for drug addicts, indicating a holistic approach to tackling the underlying issues of drug abuse.

As an initial step towards disrupting the drug supply chain, measures have been implemented to segregate drug traders and users within prisons. This strategic move targets the source of illicit drugs, particularly in border areas where various armed groups operate.

Despite significant strides in apprehending drug offenders and dismantling trafficking networks, challenges persist due to the scale and complexity of cross-border drug trade. The KRG remains resolute in its determination to combat drug trafficking and addiction, underscoring its commitment to safeguarding the well-being of its citizens.

With the KRG's intensified efforts and multifaceted approach, there is optimism that strides made in combating drug trafficking and addiction will yield tangible results in the ongoing battle against this societal scourge.
