• Sunday, 01 September 2024

Kurdistan Regional Government Council Addresses Federal Budget, Oil Industry, and Legal Developments in Recent Meeting

Gulan Media December 20, 2023 News
Kurdistan Regional Government Council Addresses Federal Budget, Oil Industry, and Legal Developments in Recent Meeting

In a session chaired by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Council of Ministers gathered for a meeting in Erbil on Wednesday, as reported by the KRG statement.

The primary agenda items included updates on the latest amendments to the federal budget law and key developments in the oil and gas industry. The council emphasized the significance of KRG civil servants' salaries, categorically stating that these salaries are considered "financial entitlements." They expressed the expectation that the Iraqi federal government would address this matter in 2024, urging a separation of Kurdish financial entitlements from political disputes.

Additionally, the council introduced the initial draft of the "Guidelines for Foreign Workers in the Kurdistan Region," authored by KRG Planning Minister Dara Rashid. According to Rashid, these guidelines aim to establish a framework for regulating work permits and visas while fostering increased job opportunities for young citizens in the Kurdistan Region. The proposed law seeks to encourage companies to prioritize the employment of local workers.

In the concluding segment of the meeting, Minister of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs Abdullah Haji Mahmood presented several proposals concerning political prisoners and detainees, focusing on ensuring their legal rights are upheld.

The comprehensive session underscores the KRG's commitment to addressing key economic and legal issues, emphasizing the importance of financial entitlements, regulatory frameworks for foreign workers, and the protection of legal rights for detainees.
