• Saturday, 06 July 2024

PM Barzani calls for compensation on 35th anniversary of Anfal campaign

Gulan Media April 14, 2023 News
PM Barzani calls for compensation on 35th anniversary of Anfal campaign

Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani has called on the Iraqi government to fulfill its moral and constitutional obligation to compensate the victims and survivors of the Anfal campaign on its 35th anniversary. The Anfal campaign, which began in 1988 with an attack on Garmiyan, resulted in the loss of more than 180,000 Kurdish lives, including innocent women and children.

In a statement, PM Barzani commemorated the victims of the infamous Anfal campaign and called it "one of the most brutal forms of genocide committed against the Kurdish people and Kurdistan". He urged the Iraqi government to compensate the victims and families of the Anfal genocide campaign and serve the proud families of the martyrs in a better way.

PM Barzani emphasized that the Anfal campaign was not only a brutal genocide against the Kurdish people but also against all human and moral values. He paid tribute to the martyrs and victims of Kurdistan and promised to always remember them.

Annually on April 14th, the Kurdistan Region observes the remembrance of the Anfal campaign, which was a dark chapter in Kurdish history. PM Barzani's statement serves as a reminder of the ongoing need for justice and recognition for the victims and their families.
