450 Thousand Tourists Visited Kurdistan Region in 12 days
The KRG Tourism Committee announced that 227 thousand tourists was from south and middle of Iraq, 178 others are coming in from other-side-borders and the airplanes.
Comparing the rate of foreign tourists to the last year at the same date, shows 32% increasing, those coming from other parts of Iraq increased by 7% and the average of the difference between 2013 and 2014 is 2% less.
It is worth noting that the investment of the tourism sector has increased in the past few years and rapidly increasing in 2013.
From 2006 to 2014, investment in the tourism sector was 6 billion and 300 million dollars while only, in 2013, the spending money on tourism investment was 3 billion and 250 million dollars which means 26% of the investment average in the 2013 KRG investment budget.