• Tuesday, 23 July 2024

President Talabani receives Ali Bapir

Gulan Media December 28, 2011 News
President Talabani receives Ali Bapir
In the framework of his meetings with the heads of blocs and parties and political leaders to contain the current crisis in the country, President Jalal Talabani , on Tuesday , in the City of Sulaimani , met with Sheikh Ali Bapir Leader of Islamic Group in Kurdistan.

President Talabani , briefed Mr. Bapir and his accompanying delegation about the content of the joint statement issued after his meeting with the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament.

President Talabani said that he held intensive contacts with leaders and politicians to prepare for a general national conference and resolve the current crisis in Iraq.

Bapir, for his part , thanked the President for his hospitality , and commended him for his efforts in resolving tensions and crises in Iraq.