• Monday, 22 July 2024

The Bold and the Beautiful: Jolie meets Salam

The Bold and the Beautiful: Jolie meets Salam
Hollywood star and United Nations envoy Angelina Jolie met with Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam on Monday.

Salam, known as bold and powerful political figure in the country, has recently featured strongly in global headlines for forming the Lebanese cabinet after a 10-month stalemate.

Their meeting followed Jolie's tour on Sunday of areas hosting Syrian refugees in Lebanon’s Bekaa province as part of her role as a special envoy for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

But away from paparazzi, Jolie’s visit barely received any media coverage due to pressure from security personnel, local reports said.

Jolie arrived in Lebanon late on Saturday and stayed in Zahle, a town in the Bekaa region near the border with Syria. It hosts some 300,000 Syrian refugees.

Joelle Eid, UNCHR’s spokeswoman in Lebanon, told Anadolu Agency that Jolie will be visiting Syrian families on Sunday but will not hold any press conferences.

During the visit, Lebanese security personnel prevented reporters from following the Hollywood actress or taking pictures of her, according to the Lebanese newspaper Annahar.

Jolie was seen wearing a scarf that covered her face, the newspaper said.

In April 2012, the UNHCR promoted Jolie from serving as its goodwill ambassador to special envoy due to her work for the agency.

The Hollywood actress has previously visited Jordan’s Zaatari camp, which holds more than 185,000 Syrian refugees.

Al Arabiya