• Saturday, 18 May 2024

Google’s Cultural Institute is like a treasure bath for your eyes

Google’s Cultural Institute is like a treasure bath for your eyes
Check out Google's amazing, interactive "digital museum," showcasing cultural treasures from around the world. This week they've added all five handwritten copies of the historic Gettysburg Address by US President Abraham Lincoln.

Wait, there's more! The Art Project lets you browse thousands of paintings, sculptures, photographs and street art from 40 countries, including China, South Africa, Spain, Russia and Turkey. Historic Moments lets you cram for trivia night with multimedia exhibits on the Eiffel Tower in France, apartheid in South Africa and the Romanian revolution, to name a few.

And the amazing World Wonders Project integrates art, history, architecture and Google's Street View technology. You can take impressive 360 degree tours of the Palace of Versailles, the Great Barrier Reef, the Itsukushima Shrine and hundreds of other UNESCO world heritage sites.

This is Google at its best, so make sure to play with all the shiny mapping, searching, curating and translation features.
