• Wednesday, 03 July 2024

The 'Holy Grail' of Fat Loss?

The 'Holy Grail' of Fat Loss?
A new dietary supplement containing an extract from raw green coffee beans is currently the hottest diet product in the United States — but not without controversy.

Critics say the compound — called green coffee bean extract — causes such a significant amount of weight loss that it runs the risk of being abused by non-dieters. Proponents argue that research shows the nutrient to be both safe and effective and that banning the natural compound would be akin to banning vitamins.

One thing people on both sides can agree on is the controversial, new supplement works. According to a new study from researchers at Scranton University, men and women who took the supplement for 22 weeks lost an average of 17.5 pounds without additional diet or exercise.

Another study published in the journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity found that people taking green coffee bean extract lost an average of 10 percent of their total bodyweight, including 16 percent of their total body fat — with zero side effects.

In fact, not only were there not any side effects, but people using the supplement actually experienced improved health measures across the board, including reductions in bad LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar.

And if all that weren't reason enough to have desperate slimmers stocking up, researchers from the University of Tennessee found that people taking green coffee bean extract experienced a significant decline in cravings for carbohydrates — likely due to the nutrient's postive effect on blood sugar and insulin.

"Too Much" Weight Loss?

Word-of-mouth marketing has led to green coffee bean extract rivaling Alli as the most popular dietGreen Coffee Study product in America today. However, some argue green coffee bean extract may, in fact, cause too much of a weight reduction to be offered over-the-counter and therefore should be regulated like Xenical and other prescription diet aids.

Indeed, published, peer-reviewed research shows an average weight loss of 10 percent of a person's bodyweight within just 10 weeks — an effect greater than most prescription diet pills.

This has some weight-managment experts fearing the new super slimmer may, in fact, cause too much weight loss and may be abused by people who have no business taking it. Indeed, according to a new study from reserachers at Norway's Department of Public Health, nearly one-quarter (23%) of normal-weight individuals considers themselves overweight — and were therefore four times more likely to misuse diet aids in an unwarranted attempt to lose weight.

Weight-management experts, as well as the Norwegian researchers, point out that the slimming aid should only be used by overweight individuals, not vanity seekers, in conjunction with healthy eating and regular physical activity.

You Be the Judge...

Whether or not green coffee bean extract causes "too much" weight loss doesn't concern the tens of thousands of dieters rushing to use it.

On the website of one popular TV doctor who featured green coffee bean on his Emmy-winning daytime TV show, Facebook users are eager to share their success stories.

Can it work wonders for you, as well? Well, judge for yourself. While the supplement is currently advertised all over the Internet, be cautious about where you buy because a high percentage of green coffee bean supplements advertised online are actually low-quality knock-offs from China. We recommend the green coffee bean extract offered from ANR, LLC at GreenCoffeeFormula.com (see Gold Box Deal below).

The product is manufactured in the United States and tested daily for quality control and potency. What's more, the company offers a 100% risk-free trial of the product, with each serving providing the same dosage used in the clinical research. In addition, each order is a one-time-only transaction. In other words, there are no reoccurring charges or hidden offers.