• Monday, 22 July 2024

How to make a man happy every day

How to make a man happy every day
Ever wondered what pleases men on a day-to-day basis? A study by menswear brand Jacamo has found the top 10 things to put a smile on his face. And weirdly, we’re not talking sexytime... Apparently it really is the simple things in life that make ‘em happy.

Eating a favourite lunch. Yep, a good munch is the secret to men’s happiness. We’re shocked too.

Self gifting. So apparently it’s not us that are the shopaholics. Buying DVDs, clothes and technology puts a smile on his face

Hanging out with friends. Pretty much a given for keeping him happy

Flirting. Yep, he gets those flirty feel good feelings too. Who knew.

A good cup of tea. So with the menfolk on this.

A surprise dinner from a woman. Hmm, not sure we’re happy about this one. But the key to his heart is in his stomach. Or something like that.

Having time to read the news. We like this. We like this a lot.

Getting a new top score on a computer game/app. *cough* Lame?! Was this the number one answer from single men by any chance?

Receiving a text. Ahh, textual happiness. Ah-greed, ideally a text from your hot girlfriend though lads? We hope.

Source: Cosmopolitan